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New Class Colors? No or Go?

Now, if you haven't heard by now, class colors are changing! Suprise! The topic has mumbled through the mouths of many students and teachers lately.

It is time to say goodbye to the famous red, orange, and green class colors that some upperclassmen have come to recognize, like, or despise. Starting this school year, the bright and wild colors will be replaced with a more Peabody-centric color scheme: navy blue, baby blue, grey, and white.

The head of the spirit week and pep rally is Mr. Porciello. I had the opportunity to get a recorded interview with him. Here is what he had to say:

“I graduated in ’05 and I don’t even remember- we didn’t have class shirts. People just went to the pep rally in whatever they were wearing. That was that. I don’t know when they threw the colors in there but I never understood why we’re wearing Salem’s colors and Beverly’s colors and- what’s green? - North Reading’s colors. Why are we doing that? it’s like wait they have 4 different colors I don’t know what’s going on! I understand that there’s a point in that day of the pep rally- it’s a lot of fun to compete against the other classes. That’s the fun in it and that is awesome. If you’re a senior, you want to go out there and [beat the bag] out of the juniors because- 'Hey, we’re seniors we’re better than you!'”

We also asked a few students for their opinion on the topic. Students like Alexis Picanco, senior, say that they feel it is more fun with all of the colors and that “If we change them, it will feel like one large class with different shades”. Sophomore, Samantha Lyman, says “Seniors had their 3 years of getting [joked about] for the colors and now it should be everybody else’s turn.” On the other hand, band director, Mr. Jones, says “that’s great! Now they will be all Peabody colors.”

Mr. Porciello believes that the current colors are “misrepresenting where you are from- you should have pride in where you come from.” He loves seeing teachers, students, and staff showing school spirit and pride in Peabody High.

“You’re out there wearing a different color shirt that’s not the school colors I feel like it’s giving a bad reputation to the school and to the city. And I say fooey to it. I don’t like it. Right now the colors are going to be navy, light blue, grey, and white but I’m not 100 percent certain on it. And a lot of seniors are like blue is blue and if I want to wear blue and go all out in blue for them to know I’m a senior – no. step up your game. And if you’re a junior, step up your game and get something baby blue. You know, step your game up... step it up!”

As of right now, Mr. Porciello has officially stated that seniors will remain navy blue and juniors are now baby blue. As for the freshmen and sophomores, he is not 100% certain but it is leaning towards sophomores being grey and freshmen wearing white.

“At the end of the day you are still a part of the same school. And I know there are seniors coming up to me saying 'but that day- it’s not about school unity. It’s about class hatred.' no, it's not! It’s a spirit rally; if you want your spirit to be hatred go somewhere else... that line rocked.”


2016 TheTannerTimes.

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