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Songs of the Week Volume IX

Spirit week! Everyone's favorite time of the year, and also the loudest! We at The Tanner Times would like to provide you with some school spirit related songs you can listen to in juxtaposition to the sheer senseless noise being output by the population of our school on Wednesday. Also, consider submitting songs and a sentence or more about why you like them at or on Facebook or in the comments below. And as always, the playlist is on Spotify here, and the archive playlist here.

Matt Smith:

Spose - Knocking on Wood

A comedic rap song with a surprisingly true message. Appreciate your life because it could be worse. Much worse. Spose is one of my favorite rappers because of his hilarious messages and clever lyrics. I would also highly recommend Nobody feat.Watsky, I’m Awesome, and King of Maine.

Stan SB - Tears in the Rain*

The spoken parts of this song are from Rutger Hauer’s monologue in the movie Blade Runner. The rest is just great vocals and awesome house music.

Evan Murphy:

The Digital Underground - The Humpty Dance

This song is one of the funniest songs I have ever heard and it has catchy lyrics. I suggest watching the video not just listening so you see how this guy looks. His appearance is mentioned in the song and is one of the things that makes it so funny.

Kevin Ross - This Is My Wish*

This song came out last year and instantly became my favorite Christmas song. I know sharing a Christmas song may seem a little premature but I just like this song so much. It has that old Christmas classic sound and a modern sound at the same time. If it sounds familiar its because it was in a candle commercial last Christmas xD.

Kyle Sousa:

Eiffel 65 - Blue

This song has a great beat and mentions one of our schools colors.

Sam Feinstein (Alum.):

Mint Trip - Take*

Up and coming band from the Miami area. They mix electronic and acoustic instrumentation in a unique way.

Jennifer Puzzo:

Taylor Swift - Shake It Off*

This is a fun, upbeat song that is great to dance and sing to. It's filled with energy, spirit, and excitement, and that's exactly what the PVMHS Pep Rally is filled with!

Isabela Valencia:

The Chordettes - Mr. Sandman

In honor of Pajama day, this 1950s song can be heard as the background music for various mattress commercials.

Sleeping At Last - I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)

This is a fantastic song that's got a very poignant feel to it. It's one of my favorite songs to listen to, especially at night. It was also featured in the very popular 2015 Budweiser commercial with the dog.

Connor Murphy:

Jamiroquai - Virtual Insanity

This week my recommenations are solely based on music video quality. Jamiroquai's Virtual Insanity is a no-brainer for this category. The whole video is based on a moving floor concept, where Jamiroquai dances while the floor moves under him. However, the floor itself is not moving. Instead, the crew decided to build a room with wheels and move it around on top of a nondescript floor, mounting the camera to the room rather than to the floor. Brilliant concept, and excellently executed.

alt-J (∆) - Breezeblocks

This may well be my favorite music video of all time. As such, I won't spoil it. I will; however, say that the entire story is told backwards and at various speeds, which is a style that only music videos can truly boast usage of. Also, check out Ellis Bahl's other music videos and films. He is a truly talented filmmaker with a style that really speaks to me.

Childish Gambino - Sweatpants feat. Problem

Amazing video that messes with your spacial perception. Like many of Hiro Murai's videos, the story is told through a single continuous take, except at the end when the song and video completely change style. This is an extremely high-concept video and beautifully done. Also, like the other two videos, I'll leave the meaning up to the viewer.

Dylan Gagnon:

Vista Chino - Adara

While the music itself is simple the sound is unique. The bassy sound comes from tuning down two whole steps.

Demetri Cassidy:

The Go-Go's - We Got the Beat:

Meh. Couldn't think of anything else. You probably already know this song. It's a really well known power pop song that practically screams spirit. I'm not gonna write a massive paragraph detailing the message, inspiration or the musical structure of the song. It's pretty well implied in the title.

*Song not featured in the Spotify playlist because it is not on Spotify

2016 TheTannerTimes.

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