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An Evening with Mr. Porciello

A follow up to the “What You Missed at the Pep-Rally” article, Mr. Porciello, organizer of the spirit week and pep-rally gave some insight onto today’s events.

Mr. Porciello with the microphone delivering his speeches

How do you think today went?

“I think this went very very smoothly, I think it was going excellent, a lot of pep not too many big deals, not too many problems, a lot of school spirit, and in the end things got feisty for the juniors and seniors.”

What do you think about the 50 point difference?

“The reason it was so close was because during the can drive the points are doubled. It’s for a good cause so the juniors won that. The seniors came in today tied, actually a little behind, they came in 50 points behind, the juniors were up by 50 points, and then the seniors won the events today. The seniors took it home.”

There has been contention about the point being rigged, what do you have to say about it?

“They're totally not. Never have been. Mr. Kerry and I were just talking about it, I think 2011 the juniors won. It has happened, it does happen.”

What about that speech at the end?

“I was trying to give a Thanksgiving theme to the end of it, but people were yelling at each other so much. I heard Teddy Bruschi say this on the radio the other day that Bill Belichick one time told the whole Patriots Team like 10 years ago, ‘over this weekend, go home, thank all the coaches that you’ve had that helped you be the person that you are.’ Now that’s awesome, I wanted to go thank people.”

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