What do PVMHS Teachers Want for the Holidays?

"I don't need anything materialistic, I just want my family and friends to be happy and healthy"
- Ms. Holland
-Mr. Mason
"Peace on earth"
-Mr. Rocha
"10 straight days of chest high waves"
-Mr. Chiasson
"World peace, obviously"
-Mrs. Dickinson
"Peace in the Middle East so I can go to Bethlehem for Christmas"
- Mr. Hayes
"Any activities I can do with family or friends. Sports games, theater tickets, whatever"
-Mr. Collison
"All I want for christmas is for one direction to get back together"
-Mr. Hawes
"For Mr. Hawes to stop cracking jokes from next door...aaaaaaand some snow"
-Ms. Perri
"One, I want Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce back on the Celtics and two, for someone to tell me what my girlfriend wants for Christmas"
-Mr. Johanson
"A light saber"
-Mr. Leland
"I want people to talk about Wade Boggs more"
-Mr. Porciello
"Things that I can't have because I'm pregnant... like sushi"
- Mrs. Wilmot
"*sarcastically* a Donald Trump republican nomination
*realistically* to marry Amy Poehler"
-Mr. Harris
"Dry erase markers"
-Ms. Skerry
"One night of uninterrupted sleep"
-Mr. Kirkorian