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Songs of the Week XXVI: Teacher's Edition

We've heard all about what our generation is listening to. We've listened to those songs all year. Now it's time to take a look at what our teachers are listening to. Submit here and listen here (Article Playlist) and here (Archive and Top Contributors). Get ready for the Teachers' Edition next week!

Ms. Champigny:

Baz Lurhmann - Everybody's Free (to Wear Sunscreen)

I think the lyrics are just as important for today's youth as they were in 1999.

Mr. Jones (English teacher):

Led Zeppelin - In My Time of Dying

It is a 1970's take on an older spiritual song showcasing Zeppelin's blues roots. The slide guitar riff alone makes the song worth listening to. Led Zeppelin was comprised of four virtuoso musicians and this song exhibits them at their best. Complex time changes, strong emotional communication, and a heavy thunderous sound fit the dark theme of a person confronting their own death and examining their life as they walk towards Heaven's doorway wondering if they were good enough to be admitted. Nobody sings like Robert Plant, nobody plays guitar like Jimmy Page, no drummer on Earth has ever matched John Bonham's complex syncopation with a simple five piece kit like he used. "In My Time Of Dying" is a lot of sound from only four musicians...and yes they could pull this off "The Song Remains The Same" if you don't know how truly awesome this band was.

Mr. Jonsson:

Two Steps from Hell - Winterspell

Two Steps from Hell - Victory

Two Steps from Hell - Heart of Courage

These aren't songs you sing or dance to, they're songs that close your eyes as they transport you to new worlds.

Mrs. Anderson:

Bon Jovi - It's My Life

It's old, but it is a good anthem. When I am having a rough day, this song will pop into my head. It's my fighting back and standing strong song. It also reminds me to accept that this is "my life", so I have to deal with whatever is coming at me- whether it be good or bad. I also like the reference to Tommy and Gina, from their other song "Livin' on a Prayer".

Ms. Frost:

Sia - Alive

I'm the behavioral health therapist that works in the student health center and I certainly have a ton of songs that I think are worth listening to! Music is often a huge part of my work with clients, as well as inspires me daily to really help others who are going through really horrible times.

To me, this is a really deep song that's lyrics speak to the pain that many have gone through in their lives. I'm not 100% sure if it was written with the idea of trauma/abuse in mind, but I could see it being relate able to anyone that has gone through difficult times including depression, anxiety, trauma/abuse, eating disorders, substance abuse, and really any other form of mental illness. The main theme of the song being that "I survived, I'm alive"-- truly an inspiration to anyone who never thought they would make it through, but is still here.

Mrs. Prinzivalli:

Katy Perry - Roar I'm the AP Environmental Science and Ecology teacher here at PVMHS. One song that really speaks to me is Roar by Katy Perry. The lyrics of this song are so empowering, especially for girls who have always been told to sit quietly and not speak up. It's one thing to have manners, but everyone should be encouraged to advocate for themselves and have a voice. This song does a great job in conveying this message.

Mr. Chiasson:

Leonard Cohen - Everybody Knows

This is an old song, 1988, but like all good art, it remains relevant (perhaps unfortunately) as time moves on. Cohen was a novelist, poet, and singer/songwriter. This song is a stark reminder of the dark side of human nature that we ignore or pretend isn’t there so we can go on with our lives in a somewhat hopeful fashion, but, like the chorus suggests, “Everybody Knows” that dark part of us is always there. It’s the perfect soundtrack for current presidential politics, as our candidates do their mendacious dance across our country to the applause of the fatuous citizenry.

Mrs. Coleman:

Andy Grammer - Keep Your Head Up

One of my favorite songs right now is Andy Grammer's "Keep Your Head Up". It is the song that wakes me up in the morning (if my 7 month old hasn't already woken me up to start my day). Some mornings it is tough to get out of bed and get going but in the end I know that everything will turn out fine. It's a good reminder to keep your head up (even if I hardly ever wear my hair down because that takes too long and I am usually rushing in the morning)!

Mrs. Luque:

Kenny Chesney - Don't Blink

I'm a country gal- not sure how many country songs have been submitted already, but there's no such thing as too many country songs! While the list goes on and on in my head the one song that jumps out at me is "Don't Blink" by Kenny Chesney. It's a good reminder that life goes by fast and we need to soak up every second of it.

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