Welcome to Peabody High
It’s a new year in the halls of Biddy High. With that comes new faces and personalities, as well as a lot of familiar ones too. Every year we see a change, practically the entire culture changes when we have to see our seniors leave; the remaining students try to act 1 year older (albeit unsuccessfully at times) and we get a new grade added to our ranks. It’s a big change
But not too big. If this is the first time you’ve ever been to The Tanner Times because you’re an incoming freshmen or new student in general, let me extend my welcome. My name is Nick, and I’m the Editor of The Tanner Times. In a matter of months, PVMHS is going to feel like a new home to you all. If you’re a returning student, welcome once again.
I’ve been at PVMHS for three full years, returning for my forth, and I’ve managed to make it in one piece so far. As a reigning survivor of high school, I figure I would offer some tips and tricks for surviving high school to you all who worry about how to make it. It’s easy. Trust me.
How to Survive in High School
Be yourself. There is a lot of pressure when you’re up here, there is absolutely no doubt about it. There will be times, places, and people who ask you to change who you are. Sometimes the change is okay, other times (usually) it’s not. Just keep putting yourself first. It’s not selfish, you have to make sure that you’re okay before you can worry about others. That easy.
Find some friends. Not all of your friends from middle school are going to stay your friends in high school. That’s okay. Thankfully, you’re in a school of 1,600 students, and that means plenty of people to be friends with. Friends are always critical. They make life fun, and it’s important to have people do that for you. Just say hi, you never know what’ll happen.
Don’t throw away high school. It’s easy to just give up, sit down and play video games for 40 hours a week, trust me, I love doing it. However, there is no better feeling then working hard and achieving what it is you’ve been doing for weeks, months, or sometimes years. Whatever it is you do, keep doing it. Don’t ever let yourself have regrets.
Be kind. Kindness is one of the words that seems inherently dainty, however it’s a trait that makes a huge difference. Even if Karma doesn’t exist, people sure notice when you’re nice to other people, and generally reciprocate the same to you. Even if they aren’t nice to you, still be nice. As Jim Jefferies said, “Eventually, everyone will see them as the…” (You know).
Do your work on time. In the world that is high school, deadlines come flying at you faster than it seems. At first, you’re lofty, thinking that the deadline will never come, and this lasts for 80% of the time, and then the anxiety builds up until the project comes and knocks you flat on your behind. Don’t let projects creep up on you. Do them early. It’s also way more of a hassle trying to make them up after the due date.
Find a hobby. It’s a big world out there, and there is so much stuff to do. A lot of the things you end up liking, make you not only a better person, but a better applicant for colleges when that time comes. Whether it be a sports team, musical instrument, reading, or writing (for The Tanner Times), find something that keeps you sane. It’s important.
Most of all, RELAX. It’s not the end of the world. Granted, I sound a bit hypocritical, with my tense tone, but in all honestly, high school is fun, and you should have fun in it. Don’t let all the work overwhelm you, and if it does, there is no shame dropping a class or two. You’re going to make it out okay, maybe a little bruised and dented here or there, but that is what makes us, us.
This is a step forward for many of you. Welcome to the big leagues. This school is the pride of our town. The entire community comes out to see what we have to say. Football games. Stage One plays, concerts, art shows, what we have is special - not only to us, but to our city. Make us proud, you’re now part of Peabody High.