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Controversial Candy

When people think of Halloween they think of candy.From Snickers to Milky Way to the many kinds of Reese's no one will ever not enjoy candy. However, with so many types it is impossible to like everything. Wherever you go there will be people who will say that some candy is disgusting. Here we will find some of the candy Peabody High enjoys and some found absolutely revolting.

Tootsie Pop vs. Blow Pop

Tootsie Pop - Nik Tsonas '19

The Tootsie pop, a great delicacy of flavored candy that protects a precious ball of beloved chocolate has no place in being compared to the disgrace of lollipop. The Blow Pop. For those who are unaware the Blow Pop is a deceiving ball of flavored candy encasing a ball of gum that will practically cut your mouth as a knife would as if it were it’s job to do so. The Tootsie Pop comes in a great variety of flavors (12), and they are all unique to the next and all delectable the same. Tootsie Pop flavors include cherry, orange, caramel, grape, raspberry, strawberry, watermelon, blue raspberry, candy cane (seasonal), and now, pomegranate, banana, blueberry, and green apple flavors. Those pathetic Blow Pops only offer half the flavors (6), these flavors include cherry, watermelon, sour apple, blue raspberry, grape and strawberry. All of the flavors of the Blow Pop are included in the Tootsie Pop’s arsenal and double the amount, how is that not better? For those of you who are wondering which to buy to pass out to the kids this Halloween, please, don’t endanger the children looking to have fun with the weapon of a Blow Pop. Instead give the children the fun delight of the Tootsie Pop!

Blow Pop - Trina Dessalines '17

Blow Pops represent the pinnacle of lollipop evolution. The fruity flavors and excitement experienced while eating Blow Pops exposes a sense of a sugar frenzy and a fruity warmth. Appraised by all, This candy upholds a standard that is unable to be surpassed by any fruity lollipop. The best to come is the chewy center of glory. A surprise worth waiting for lies at the center of this candy full of hope and anticipation. A sweet crunch of the lollipop collides with the delightful chew of the gum. As your teeth gently pull the gum and the leftover crunch from the stick, You sit in awe from the majestic feel of the combination of the bubble gum center and fruity outer layer colliding into one. Nothing compares to the memorabilia created by chewing gum from the magnificent Blow Pops.


Pro - Madison Govaert '17

Other than the kids with allergies, who doesn’t love a good peanut-buttery-and-chocolate candy combo? Reese’s knows well enough that it’s the perfect cash candy! The only downside of Reese’s cups is how chewy and mushy it is; you don’t get the same snap as some other candies. That’s why butterfinger has its crispy core. Maybe the only reason some don’t like Butterfingers is because of the crunch (in that case, get stronger teeth). The Butterfinger blends the perfect ratios of peanut butter, ​​chocolate coating, and crunch. It’s a picture perfect halloween candy!

Con - Edelina Curkic '17

Candy bars are the decadent confectionery sugar treats that are the gateway to the nature of human happiness. How can anyone call Butterfingers ‘candy’? People are tempted to indulge into the milk chocolate-y outer layer only to bite into a cardboard-like peanut butter core. Followed by this disappointing laceration of the Butterfinger, you are only left with the cardboard core stuck in your teeth. Even after trying to use a horsehair brush to get it out of your teeth, it is still pinned down into the grooves of your teeth. As it slowly deteriorates your enamel, you regret your life decisions due to the metallic after-taste that lingers in your mouth. Butterfingers should not be considered candy. Butterfingers are a fraud.

Candy Corn

Good - Sofia Rodriguez ‘18

Candy corn has been a part of Halloween for decades. The candy is considered the most iconic treat for the holiday. However, people have differing opinions on the taste. Some claim that they are tasteless or that they have a weird texture. The candy corn contains sugar, corn syrup, wax, water, fondant, and marshmallow. These ingredients give the candy a sweet, sugary, and chewy taste. It’s convenient small size makes it perfect to snack on. Recently, multiple different flavors have come out, including: pumpkin spice, caramel, and s’mores. They still brings joy to children and adults decades after its creation. Candy corn will always be an important- and tasty- part of Halloween.

Gross - Marc Alperen '18

Halloween is right around the corner and kids are getting ready to dress up and get some candy. There are so many different kinds and flavors of candy that some may like but others don’t. Some candies are loved by all, they are great, others are just okay, and then there are others that are just flat out disgusting. Candy Corn falls right in that category.

Candy Corn is the most disgusting and unappetizing “food” I have ever tasted. Each bite gets worse. It starts off by picking up the sticky multi colored piece of plastic. Then you place in into your mouth and take the first bite. As you sink your teeth into the candy you can feel the sugar coating your teeth. When you try to take your teeth out of the piece of candy, that won’t happen. Candy Corn will stick to your teeth no matter how hard you try to get it off. The candy begins to turn into a chewy ball of sugar and then it is time to swallow. Swallowing Candy Corn is a project of its own. It gets to the point where you will have to use a finger just to get the candy off the roof of your mouth. Finally you try your hardest just to get the gross ball of whatever it is down your throat. You can feel it slowly slide down you throat and will possibly need water just to wash it down. Candy Corn is the most disgusting candy you could ever eat and I strongly recommend you stay away from it this Halloween.

Reese's Pieces vs. Peanut Butter M&M's

Reese's Pieces - Ben Cohen '17

Einstein once said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. The Mars Corporation (they make m&m’s) found this definition limiting. Their definition of insanity involves taking something pure and delicious and throwing terrifying flavors at it until their R&D staff breaks down in tears screaming, “YOU’VE KILLED IT MY GOD YOU’VE RUINED M&M’S FOREVER.”

Peanut Butter M&M’s are the worst invention since Farmville. They symbolize everything that is wrong in the world. The ratio of peanut butter to chocolate is so off you would expect peanut butter to spew out and drown you. You run the risk of death every time you open a bag of these suckers. At the end of the day, reese’s pieces are (as the kids would say) the OG peanut butter candy. And they are E.T’s candy of choice. Ask yourselves, would you rather snack on disgusting fake peanut butter or your favorite extraterrestrial’s favorite candy.

Peanut Butter M&M's - Devon Jacques '17

As you can see the Peanut Butter M&M is more than twice the size of the Reese’s Piece. Not only that but you will notice Reese’s Pieces don’t have chocolate in them. It’s just peanut butter candy.

“Bloody brilliant. These little gems make Reece’s pieces look like the unfortunate combination of de-fatted, partially hydrogenated, carnauba waxed and glazed imposters. Or an explosion of techno monkey poop. Even M&Ms ingredients were initially more real sounding with chocolate and sugar at numbers one and two per volume,” review

Peanut Butter M&M’s are ranked #1 out of all the M&M flavors by “Before we set out to taste the whole lot of flavors, we had a strong suspicion that Peanut Butter M&M's would edge out the competition, and turns out, we were right. When it comes down to it, the combination of salty peanut butter and sweet milk chocolate is impossible to beat, making these frighteningly addictive. Not that we're complaining . . .” review

Red vs. Blue Candy

Red - Kyliah Almeida '17

Play it safe and pick the red one. Every time. Everyone knows that red is the best “flavor” of anything. And yes, red is a flavor. It can be anything from cherry to strawberry to fruit punch to watermelon. Think about it: whenever someone is trying a new candy, they usually pick the red one because there is a high chance that it’ll taste good. In a survey not conducted by me or anyone else, 99 out of 100 students picked red as the best flavor out of a sample of red, blue, green, and orange. The other one was heavily medicated at the time of the survey so their response is not reliable. Red is vibrant and exciting; it is the color of love and passion. Science has also proved that men are more attracted to the color red. So ladies, if you’re trying to get yourself a man for this long, cold winter, you better pop yourself a few red jolly ranchers.

Blue - Gabriella Dietrich '19

Many candy consumers can argue on which candy ‘’flavor’’ is the best. The most basic ones red, blue, or purple or in other words cherry, grape or blue raspberry. The blue flavor is by far the best flavor hands down. There is nothing better than having a nice and savory blue candy in your mouth. The blues juicy flavor is not the only marvelous thing about it, it’s compelling color naturally attracts people. Digging into deeper history, in 421 AD the color blue began in the Catholic churches. The churches used blue as a color- code for the saints, and even Mary was given a robe. This was used as a symbol innocence and trustworthiness. Many of our surroundings are of the color of blue, for example the sky, eyes, and the ocean. Naturally these things calm us down. So next time you consider picking up a different color pick blue!!!


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