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What it's like to be a Twin

Do you remember how on the first day of school, everyone in your class would go around the room telling one fun fact about themselves? My answer every time was that I am a twin. In a class of strangers I would automatically be bombarded with “ OMG! I wish I had a twin” or “ do you guys fight a lot?” After a while this gets very old, so I am here to answer all of your questions now along with some pros and cons to being a twin you may have never thought about!

  1. Do you guys fight a lot?

Yes and no. Usually, we don’t fight that often, but sharing a room with someone is bound to sometimes get on your nerves. If you get annoyed when your parents come into your room and move your stuff around, just imagine what it’s like to share a room with someone. I definitely fight with my twin sister ,named Sophia by the way, more often than with my brothers, but it’s usually just stupid arguments. I would like to point out that it is always me who is right.

2) People will never stop asking who is the oldest.

I’ve probably heard this question about 6 million times in my lifetime that my response is now just instinct. This question is followed by a sigh, me raising my hand and Sophia pointing at me. This is immediately followed with “ Wow! By how much?” and then “ OMG, 1 minute is so quick!” The amount of times this exact conversation has occurred is slightly unbelievable to me, but what can I say, apparently people are incredibly fascinated with twins.

3) Do you know what each other are thinking? Can you feel each other's pain?

Maybe this is just an identical twin thing but this has never happened to me. These questions always baffle me because I don’t even see how that would be humanly possible. So sorry to inform you, but the answer is no. However, Sophia and I have come up with some automated responses to see the look on people’s faces when we say the same answer to whatever they ask us. It never gets old.

4) However, we usually know how the other is feeling.

Since we’ve been right beside each other our entire lives we can read each other like a book. I can always tell what mood she’s in or if something is wrong. We share (mostly) everything with each other so I can almost always guess what’s up. This sometimes backfires though because we know exactly how to get on each other's nerves.

5) We can help each other with school work!

I don’t mean cheating by this, but since we take most of the same classes if one of us doesn’t understand something the other probably does. This is a very big pro of having a twin because you almost always have someone to check over your work or help you understand a concept if you don’t understand it. Of course if you have an older sibling you could ask them for help, but usually, my older brother will just say “ I don’t know that was like 2 years ago.”

6) You’ll always have a best friend everywhere you go!

This is a really nice part about our twinness. Whenever you go out somewhere, whether an amusement park, community service, family parties, etc. you always have a friend! Fun fact, the longest Sophia and I have ever been apart in our approximately 5,632 days on this earth in 4 days. So yeah, we basically do everything together.

7) People think you are the same person.

I hate this. I know you probably wouldn’t ever think of this, but calling us the twins instead of by our names makes us very mad! When I ask a friend to come over and they call their mom and asks if they can go to “ the Winschel’s” house I get the urge to uninvite them. Okay, not actually but for some reason this really bothers me. I am my own person! My field hockey coach usually says “ twins are our backs” when she says the starting line up and my closer friends on the team will look at me and laugh because they know I hate it. So if you are friends with some twins this is your warning to never call them “ the twins” again. Thanks!

There are probably 100 other cool things I never even realized about the 2 of us but these are the things that standout the most to me! If you have learned anything from this, just know being a twin is super cool and be jealous that I will have a best friend for life.

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