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What's really going on at the Mall School?

A surprisingly large amount of people here at Peabody High are completely unaware of the existence of the “mall school”. An even fewer amount know about its true intentions. I’ve conducted a deep investigation of the “school” and have uncovered the truth. The school may be performing mental (maybe even physical) tests on their students.

The students of the school are rarely seen outside of the school and most people don’t even know anyone that goes there. Maybe that’s because they’re being tested against their will. I used all of my resources to find and interview an anonymous source who attends the school. “It (the school) functions like any other school, we have a schedule we follow every day and go to all the same classes anyone else would.” That, to me, sounds like something someone would say when they’re trying to hide something. The person may have been threatened and forced to say that because while there words were claiming to be the same, their eyes were screaming for help, or they were hungry. Either way the school is doing something wrong, be it performing tests on the students, or not feeding them enough.

The inside of the school is a complete mystery. No one, to my knowledge, has seen the inside except for the students and staff. This is because they don’t want to risk anyone discovering their testings. There are pictures on the Simon Youth Foundation website here, but how are these to be trusted? The pictures are clearly professionally taken and are not candid, meaning the school setting could have been staged. There may not be a lot of evidence supporting this, but there isn’t any against it either.

I also did some digging on the Simon Youth Foundation president and CEO, J. Michael Durnil. J. Michael Durnil is a member of the International Order of Demolay. The International Order of Demolay is an exclusive group associated with the Freemasons. Which means the Simon Youth Foundation is essentially under the ruling thumb of the Freemasons, one of the most secretive organizations in America.

The Simon Youth Foundation is definitely hiding something. I don’t know what exactly, but after digging a little, I for one am convinced, SYF if up to something. #staywoke

2016 TheTannerTimes.

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