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Happy HOLLAdays: 7 Reasons to Celebrate the Season

[if !supportLists]1. [endif]The decorations: Don’t lie to yourself, you know there are some Christmas decorations you enjoy. Light designs are cool and SOME are well thought out. This means getting a bunch of people together in the car for a mini road trip to see Christmas lights on random people’s houses.

[if !supportLists]2. [endif]An excuse to be lazy: During Christmastime, it is not considered being “lazy,” but rather “cozy”. Your weekends now consist of laying on the couch, suffocated by blankets, drinking hot chocolate, watching your favorite Christmas movies. No one can tell you to get up and do something productive because this only happens once a year.

[if !supportLists]3. [endif]Seeing people you actually want to see: Everyone knows the holiday season brings those unwanted relatives to your house to break bread and not each other’s necks, but what about the people you haven’t seen in awhile and have missed? Christmas is the perfect time to reconnect with people you’ve lost contact with.

[if !supportLists]4. [endif]This one’s for all the shopaholics: Christmas is the perfect excuse to be at the mall all the time. If anyone asks, hey, you’ve just got a lot of gifts to buy! Even if you don’t like to be at the mall, it’s your alibi when you’re avoiding answering that “where are you??” text. Just make sure you don’t have your location turned on!

[if !supportLists]5. [endif]Food: Need I say more? Half the fun of Christmas is all the food you get to eat. It’s like a second Thanksgiving.

[if !supportLists]6. [endif]Days off: Whether you like Christmas or not, you do get some time off from school and work because of it. I don’t see any room for complaints here.

[if !supportLists]7. [endif]Unexpected “niceness”: During the holiday season, some people feel inclined to be nice. Whether it’s because they’re trying to get on this “nice list,” or if the season just brings out their humility, there are some unexpected acts of kindness that should be appreciated since they don’t happen often!

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