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The Ten Absolute Worst Christmas Songs That WILL Drive You Crazy

1. Dominic The Donkey

It's just annoying and makes no sense whatsoever. Can we really even call it a Christmas song? It's legit just donkey sounds the whole time.

2. Grandma got run over by a reindeer

This is a good song if you know it wasn’t talking about an old lady getting ran over and killed by Santa.

3. Funky, Funky Xmas

I’m not really quite sure what this is but it's a new kids on the block song so it must be a pretty terrible Christmas song. It makes like zero sense and it just says random stuff.

4. All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth

This song just annoys me. So much. And I know it's supposed to be a cute little kid singing but it's just not, and it's way too repetitive.

5. Christmas shoes

This just tries way too hard to be a sad Christmas song.

6. Silent night

Many people may like this song but it's just so slow and boring and I just want to take a nap every time I hear it. A Christmas song should make you happy and excited not make you pass out.

7. Last Christmas

I personally love this song but anyone else that has a brain hates it. Especially when girls start screaming the lyrics whenever you say the words last and Christmas in the same sentence. So many people have done a cover of this song to the point I’m not even sure who wrote it, and it's kind of just annoying by now.

8. Feliz Navidad

This is the most overplayed and overrated Christmas song of all time. I want to rip out my ear drums whenever I hear “I WANNA WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS”

9. Little Drummer Boy

Many may argue with me on this one but this song sucks. It's too slow and it tries to be sad, and tbh I didn't even know this song had words. This song could put me to sleep just like silent night.

10. Baby, its cold outside

If you like this song something is wrong with you. It's a date rape song “say what’s in this drink?” He’s drugging her and getting her to stay until she knocks out from the drink. That’s all I have to say.

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