Don't worry the title was on purpose!
Today let's educate ourselves on the history behind the word Calculus
Hey! Don't get bored! It's actually a more interesting story than most people think.
Before we get to why, let's see what the inventor(s) of Calculus called "Calculus" in their time
Isaac Newton called Calculus: The Methods or Fluxions
It kind of looks like "Flex Ions" for all you Chemistry and AP Chemistry nerds out there *cough*
There is actually another important contributor and figure of Calculus named Leibniz who called Calculus: The Mathematics of the Characteristic Triangle
What does triangles have to do with Calculus? Well, Leibniz saw everything in Calculus as triangles... Make a triangle out of this and that for EVERY SINGLE THING
Okay, okay here is the actual reason: So the "calcul" in Calculus was actually the sound made by rocks when dropped on an old fashioned money balancer [you know the this thingy (down below)] to make sure the money was real

Plus "calcul" is in the word "calculate" so that helps too :)
Story from Mr. Picanco's "random yet cool math history side-note stories during lecture"