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Water Bottle of Death


This is a personal account of mine at Peabody High:

I was walking down the stairs to the bottom of the B-house staircase when another student thought it was okay to drop a filled reusable water bottle (the hard plastic ones) down the "center of the spiral" of the staircase if you know what I mean (in this case, the center is shaped like a rectangle as you look down at it from the top floor).

The student dropped it from the top of the staircase in that rectangular spiral type hole. According to the fact that this person dropped that water bottle at that height, the water bottle is able to fall faster because gravity and all that jazz. If you were at the top and you stared down the rectangular spiral hole, you could see the top of my head. Luckily, I moved just in time before the bottle would of dropped on my head.

At the moment, I didn't know what happened and just saw a water bottle on the floor cracked behind me. After I realized I could of been killed by this water bottle of death, I yelled "Are you actually serious!?" at the top of my lungs. I hear a bunch of guys laughing. I was dumb not to figure out who they were or what they looked like.

I might be overreacting but it was scary the way the water bottle made a loud crashing sound as it hit the floor.


2016 TheTannerTimes.

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