Avoiding the Peabody Plague
The excessive coughing, sniffles, aches and pains, the fevers, the absences from school-- It’s Winter everybody, and the Peabody Plague has hit once again. This time, it’s back and better than ever as flu season rampages through the area. It seems as if in every class there’s some poor unfortunate soul out of school because they too have caught the Peabody Plague.
Of course, the Peabody Plague isn’t only affecting our city. This year, the flu has spread rapidly along the North Shore and nationwide. Doctors offices are inundated with old and young who have caught the nasty sickness. I apologize for the tardiness of this article but ironically enough, it’s because I caught the flu that I was behind in writing this!
Though it may seem inescapable, with some new sick person around the corner every week, there are plenty of ways to help you stay healthy and as far away from the Peabody Plague as possible!
The Student Health Center offers flu shots specifically made for teens and is the best way for you to protect yourself from the flu! There are only a limited amount available so make sure to get yours as soon as you can. Students over 18 can come down to get their flu shots at their leisure but if you are under 18, make sure that you have a signed parental consent form on hand with the Health Center!
But the flu shot is simply not enough! This year, the influenza strain “A - H3N2” has proven to be more severe than ever. This dominant strain of the flu has spread rapidly across the nation, even proving to be fatal in some cases. Don’t panic though, that is the absolute extreme extent of which the flu can affect a person and is rare in most cases. For most, symptoms include fever, chills, muscle aches, headaches, congestion, and fatigue.
So what can you do to stop it? Well, practicing good hygiene is crucial during flu season, in order to prevent germs (and therefore, sickness) from spreading quickly. Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze, always wash your hands, and please - If you’re already sick, STAY. HOME. You’re only spreading your germs and nastiness to the rest of the school, and it honestly will not hurt you to miss one day.
To avoid getting sick, it’s everybody for themselves and no one needs you to prove that you’re the type of person who “pushes through” by coming in and consequently giving everyone else your sickness.
And so, take your precautions and get your flu shot before the Health Center runs out! May you all stay as far away from the Peabody Plague as possible.