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Advice for Incoming Freshmen

We know being a freshman can be hard. The crowded hallways and confusing architectural layout of Peabody High can be pretty overwhelming. Even as seniors, we’re not sure where a majority of the classrooms are located and we never know which bathrooms might be open. Peabody High is a large, busy building and it can appear pretty intimidating, so here are some tips on how to make it through your freshman year:

  • Accept the fact that you will get lost and you will make a trip down the Staircase to Nowhere! It’s not your fault, the classes are oddly numbered, but there are plenty of people around who will gladly help you. The teachers stand outside of their classroom the first few weeks of school to help direct you!

  • DO NOT stop walking in the middle of the hallway to talk to your friends. You will get run over by upperclassman.

  • Plan your bathroom breaks. It can cause you to miss out on a ton of class time if you have to hike across the building to find an open bathroom.

  • Dress in layers because every classroom has a different climate, all of which are different than the temperature outside.

  • Even if it seems like a waste of time, go to all school events! You have only 4 short years here so take advantage of all the fun stuff available. We might not have a championship winning football team, but the games are a lot of fun so go to a few!

  • Be nice to your teachers and they’ll be nice to you. We have some incredible and extremely understanding staff at Peabody High who are there to help you, so take advantage of the connections you make with them.

  • Don’t be embarrassed to participate in spirit week. It’s one of the most fun weeks of the year!

  • Actually do your homework, it's an easy way to get points if you’re bad at testing.

  • Last but not least, even though you will get tired of hearing this…don’t wish the time away! High School will be hard and stressful at times, but it goes by so fast and you don’t want to regret not doing anything in high school! Spend time with your friends and family, and get involved in as much as you can!


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