Heard in The Halls
Over my past few years at PVMHS I have definitely heard my fair share of weird and unusual statements from students in class or walking through the halls. Here are a few of the most unexplainable comments I’ve heard lately….
“Why do we always talk about Sean Kingston”
“I feel bad but I’m such a dolphin”
“You’ll know what I’m talking about it’s not necessarily a real word though”
“It smells like…. mushrooms?”
Oh no, I just killed Kaitlin with an oyster cracker”
“You know what's funny, watching Peter forget how to play solitaire”
“Yo, I know how a goose walks.”
*while running in the hall at 7:15 am* “track star track star track star track star” 2/8
“Who the heck wrote I love you on my paper airplane”
And finally, the most understandable of them all...
“Please!!!! I want to go home!!!!”