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Spirit Week and Pep Rally In Review

Day 1 - Throwback Day: On the first day of Spirit Week, the seniors took the win with 400 points, surprisingly followed by the freshmen with 300 points. You'll see that the freshmen never really make it far up the charts, but at least they started off strong. Then the juniors came in third with 200 points, followed by the sophomore class came with 100.

Day 2 - Neon/Tie-dye Day: This day was probably the most colorful you’d ever seen PVMHS. The Juniors won with 400 hundred points. The sophomore class made up for their loss on Monday and came in second with 300 points. The senior class was dethroned by the juniors by 200 points. The freshmen class came in 4th with only a 100 points.

Day 3 - Pajama Day: Pajama Day had the most participation of the whole week, because who doesn’t want to wear a onesie to school? The seniors took their rightful place on top with 400 points. The sophomores surpassed the junior class with 300 points. The juniors came in third with 200 points, and like the day before the freshmen came in last with 100 points.

Day 4 - National Pride Day: On National Pride Day there was a swarm of American flags everywhere, with everyone showing pride in their country. Although every class had high participation, the sophomores took the win with 400 points. The sophomores beat the seniors, who came in second with 300 points. Followed by the juniors with 200 and, last but not least, the freshmen.

Can Drive: Every year, the classes participate in a can drive for the needy right before Thanksgiving. This year the Juniors participated the most in the can drive, followed (in order) by the seniors, the sophomores, and the freshmen. The can drive is not just a competition, but also a remembrance of all the people who have nowhere to go and nothing to eat on Thanksgiving. Thank you to all those participated!

SPIRIT WEEK RESULTS: The Senior class was in the lead with 1600 points. The sophomore class was behind the Junior class by only 100 points with the 1300 points they had. The Freshmen, however, were very behind with 700 points.

Pep Rally: The 2018 pep rally commenced with the Class Officer Race. The race consisted of the 3-legged race and crabwalk back to the other two class officers, who then potato sacked their way to the end of the basketball court and wheel barreled back. Then, of course, the obstacle course, which consisted of too many dynamics to remember. But at the end the seniors came in first place, followed by the sophomores. juniors, and then... the freshmen.

The shooting star event was actually kind of impressive, coming from someone who doesn’t know how to play basketball and hates it. The juniors took with win with 400 points (29 secs), then the seniors by 30 points (51 secs), the sophomores (1:18) and lastly the freshmen (1:59). By now, you’re probably thinking, well the freshmen are gonna keep losing, huh? In their defense, they’re much smaller than the rest of the school.

This year the hula hoop event was changed up from what it usually is. The winner of rock-paper-scissors got to move on, and the loser just kinda awkwardly walked back to their class. The sophomores to the win, followed by the seniors, and the juniors, and the freshmen.

The last event of the day was the tug of war. Let's be real: no one stood a chance against the Seniors. The tug of war was their event. Like, deep down it was already a done deal. The juniors came in second, the sophomores third,and the freshies in fourth. At the end of the rally, the freshmen came in last with 1200 points, the sophomores 2600, the juniors 2800, and the seniors 3400. Like mentioned before, the seniors' victory was basically destined to them, but they deserved the win since it’s their last year in high school, and so their last pep rally. So good luck, Class of 2019, and hopefully the future will bring more wins for all of you!


2016 TheTannerTimes.

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