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Why the Chromebook Wallpapers Have Been Changed

Recently, to the disappointment of many students, the wallpapers of every Chromebook have been changed. To dig further into why this happened, we went straight to the person with all the information, Mr. Buckley. When we explained to him that many students are unhappy with this new change, we were shocked to find out it is actually for a reason, not a punishment.

The main reason as to why it’s been changed is to make sure everyone sees and knows the Vision of the Graduate. Even though the staff made sure posters that explain it were put in every classroom, people don’t always look at it. Mr. Buckley mentioned, “We put [the wallpaper] up there to make sure everyone sees it all the time and thinks of it.”

Another reason is that people will be coming over to the school to make sure everything’s all set and that the school is doing its job. He wants to make sure students know the Vision of the Graduate just in case they’re asked about it.

When Mr. Buckley was told that students are upset, he pointed out the fact that the Chromebooks are the property of the school. However, he said they could possibly do something so it’s not up all the time. These possibilities include taking it down for the summer and redesigning it every year. In the future, the school is going to have kids pay the insurance ahead of time, so if you pay for it you might be able to put your personal photo back during the summer.

To summarize, Mr. Buckley changed the wallpaper to make people aware of the Vision of the Graduate and to remind everyone to take a look. It even reminds him to look at it. He wants to make your years at the school productive and if you know all seven, that’s the type of person he wants to see graduating.

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