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Music Monday No. 15: "Never Gonna Give You Up"

Welcome to the last edition of Music Monday for the year. This week’s winning song was “Never Gonna Give You Up” by Rick Astley. Don’t forget that we take suggestions, so if you want a song to be nominated next year make sure to shoot us a DM on Instagram @thetannertimes.

“Never Gonna Give You Up” by Rick Astley is an amazing song and I love everything about it. The beat is great, the lyrics are great, and overall it's an amazing song. I like the music video, too, because of its cool style. I also like the background vocals at about 2:15 minutes into the song. It is just a really good song in general.

This song was published on July 27, 1987, by a British songwriter named Rick Astley. It was the first song released on an album by him called Whenever You Need Somebody. This song ended up being a #1 hit in the United Kingdom and was voted number 28 in 50 Most Awesomely Bad Songs... Ever by VH1. This song has also led to a spiral of memes called “Rickrolling” which is when you trick people into watching the music video somehow.

Thank you for reading all about “Never Gonna Give You Up” by Rick Astley. If you have never listened to this song, or want to listen to it again, it can be played on YouTube or Spotify. I hope you enjoyed this week’s edition of Music Monday, and that you have a great summer!

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