Podcast Review of "Welcome to Night Vale"
What would happen if all conspiracies were real? The moon landing was faked, Area 51 is an alien test site, and the government is really a horde of scaly sentient reptiles. Sounds absurd, but these conspiracy theories can be fun to think about. What would happen if there was a town where conspiracy theories became reality? With Halloween creeping near, this week's spooky recommendation is the podcast “Welcome to Night Vale.” For those who screech at the thought, or simply can’t find time to pick up a book, “Welcome to Night Vale” is the perfect eerie alternative.The podcast is in the format of a daily radio broadcast that accounts the calendar and daily news of Night Vale, a town that can only be described as… weird. Conspiracy theories come to life with the hooded figures in the not-for-dogs dog park, the faceless angels that like to peruse the town, and the mad scientist narrator who isn’t even slightly fazed. Along with numerous other absurd happenings, the listener is sucked into the enthralling and absolutely insane town of Night Vale. The narration, voice acting, and accompanying music help add to the ambiance and make “Welcome to Night Vale” one of the best podcasts on air. With over 200 episodes, Night Vale is perfect to get you ready for Halloween, and if you just can't get enough, they also have a series of books further recounting the happenings of Night Vale. “Welcome to Night Vale” checks all the boxes for a perfectly creepy Halloween.