Top 10 Worst Halloween Candies
Halloween is right around the corner and we all know that there's just that one candy we all can’t stand. Here is a list of the worst Halloween candies:
1. Marshmallow Circus Peanuts
The Windex of all candies.
2. Dots
Just water and sugar :)
3. Good & Plenty
It sounds good, but trust me they’re not .
4. Necco Wafers
We all love eating chalk.
5. Bit-O-Honey
More like Bit-O-Nothing.
6. Candy Buttons
These are as edible as the ones on your shirt.
7. Pixie Sticks
You might as well eat a sugar packet.
8. Butterfingers
Just... no.
9. Candy Corn
It’s actually not that bad.
10. Mary Jane Peanut Butter Kisses
What even is this?