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Watching the Movie Before Reading the Book

When you talk to someone about a movie that originated from a book, most of the time they will tell you that the book was so much better and the movie did not compare to the picture they had in their minds, whether it's about the characters, scenery, or even the details in the movie. They always like to read the book first so they can try to guess what the characters and the scenery are going to look like. That's the opposite of me, though. I personally like watching the movie before reading the book. I like having a picture of what the characters look like and knowing what the storyline is about before reading the book. If I read the book after the movie, I know what the characters look like, so when there are extra details about scenes in the book, it gives me a better picture of what it might have looked like in the movie. I am not saying that the movies are better than the books. Instead, I am saying that watching the movie before reading the book gives you a whole new experience. It doesn't leave you disappointed as it would if you read the book before watching the movie. Because when you do that, most of the time the characters and things aren't as they seem in your head when you are reading the book. Watching the movies first is also great because if you don't like the movie that is probably only 90 minutes long, then you know not to spend potentially weeks reading the book that you already know you aren't going to like based on the movie.

For example, I recently started reading the Twilight series, and they are fantastic books. I watched the movies before, so now when I read the books, I know what to picture when they are talking about their school, the forest that they are in all the time, or even the people in the book like Jessica and Mike.

It's actually kind of interesting to see how many details they leave out of movies from the books. It's usually a lot. In the movies, they only take the main points and the supporting details that are needed to make the movie good, but in the book, there are so many extra details that aren't in the movies. I mean movies are only like 90 minutes long, so to fit an entire book into a movie with every specific detail would be severely difficult and would probably make the movies be 5 hours long.

Next time you see a book that seems interesting to you, look and see if there is a movie to go with it and watch the movie first before reading the book. Maybe your opinion will change on whether or not watching the movie first is a good or bad move.




2016 TheTannerTimes.

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