Connor Murphy '16
Feb 15, 2016
Songs of the Week XIX
Welcome back to Songs of the Week! Roman numerals are hard, and I'm very glad we've transitioned to a number system that makes more...
Connor Murphy '16
Feb 8, 2016
Songs of the Week XVIII
Songs of the Week is old enough to vote! Make sure you vote in the primaries if you're old enough! Use the small say you do have in...
Connor Murphy '16
Feb 1, 2016
Songs of the Week XVII
Songs of the Week. Young and sweet. Only 17. Feel the beat on the tambourine, oh oh. You can dancem you can dance... You get the point....
Connor Murphy '16
Jan 25, 2016
Songs of the Week XVI
Happy sweet sixteen Songs of the Week! Our numeral has come to match the last two digits of the year, which also happens to be two to the...
Connor Murphy '16
Jan 19, 2016
Songs of the Week XV
Songs of the Week is back! Hopefully everyone was able to reacclimate well to school without their favorite source of music. But despair...
Nicholas McLaughlin '17
Jan 17, 2016
Top 10 Ways to Stay Warm this Winter!
Winter is upon us. Cold weather, snow, and ice wraps the North East in a frigid blanket every single year. If you are having problems...
Connor Murphy '16
Jan 1, 2016
Songs of the YEAR (SotW XIV)
Welcome to 2016! As we journey into this coming year, let us not forget the plethora of music release dates that made up 2015. Let this...
Connor Murphy '16
Dec 28, 2015
Song of the Week: Christmas Vacation
There's only one song this week, but expect big things New Year's Day! Submit your favorite songs (up to 3 of them) released this year in...
Kyliah Almeida '17
Dec 22, 2015
What do PVMHS Teachers Want for the Holidays?
"I don't need anything materialistic, I just want my family and friends to be happy and healthy" - Ms. Holland "Sleep" -Mr. Mason "Peace...
Connor Murphy '16
Dec 21, 2015
Songs of the Week XIII: Christmas Edition
It's that time of year! Time for the same 20 or so songs you hear every year on loop... But if you want a little bit more from your...