Ben Cohen '17
Dec 25, 2016
What do Jews do on Christmas?
As Christians hang their stockings over the fireplace and bake cookies for Santa, some people may wonder what their Jewish friends are...
Kyliah Almeida '17
Dec 24, 2016
Happy HOLLAdays: 7 Reasons to Celebrate the Season
[if !supportLists]1. [endif]The decorations: Don’t lie to yourself, you know there are some Christmas decorations you enjoy. Light...
Josh Callahan '17
Dec 24, 2016
The Worst Presents PVMHS Students Could Ever Get
Pandora rings- Yes I know they are sooooo cute and all but that was so two years ago. Buy something thoughtful for them instead of...
Meghan Jones '19
Dec 24, 2016
The Ten Absolute Worst Christmas Songs That WILL Drive You Crazy
1. Dominic The Donkey It's just annoying and makes no sense whatsoever. Can we really even call it a Christmas song? It's legit just...
Gabriella Dietrich '19
Dec 24, 2016
10 Last Minute Gift Ideas for Him
1. Wallet: A lot of teenage boys tend to have raggedy old Sponge Bob wallets… do him the favor and get him a new one. 2. Nike shoes:...
Neil Sherman '19
Dec 22, 2016
Why do we even have Festivus?
When December approaches, everyone suddenly has something to look forward to, whether it be Christmas, Hanukkah, or the king of it all...
Evan Murphy '19
Dec 3, 2016
What's really going on at the Mall School?
A surprisingly large amount of people here at Peabody High are completely unaware of the existence of the “mall school”. An even fewer...
Caroline O'Neill '17
Dec 2, 2016
Welcoming Congresswomen: Seeing Girl Power in Action
To my fellow women, I know [most of] you are upset by the outcome of the election. I, like so many others, was thrilled to finally see a...
Isabella Philip '20
Dec 2, 2016
How do Freshmen feel about the New Higgins?
The new Higgins middle school is a state-of-the-art learning institute, there's no doubt about that. Not that there would be any room for...
Gabby Borges '19
Dec 1, 2016
Whats the difference between PHS and a Catholic School?
You’d be surprised by the difference a couple miles and a $14,000 tuition could make between two high schools. They teach the same stuff...